“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” Thomas Jefferson
Every few weeks (but especially of late, with seven weeks to go before the election), two questions cross my mind concerning my Facebook presence: Am I little more than someone's token (fill in the blank)? And if so, how can I still be a friend in the midst of our difference(s)?
Which of my Facebook friends keeps me as one of theirs for no other reason than I am their token conservative...or Protestant...or Lawrence Welk fan? Who tolerates my way of viewing the world merely so they can say their Facebook feed has at least one who is a registered Independent...or a Bible-believing Presbyterian...or a heterosexual who holds to the sanctity of marriage as being between one man and one woman?
I could go on, but there's no need to dwell on differences. I think it's an interesting question to consider, though, and it becomes even more so when one flips it. Are there people who are my Facebook friends only because they view things differently than me? Do I really think of them as friends, or do I just tolerate them as I imagine they do me, out of either courtesy or curiosity? And what of any of that is right, and what is, well, not so much?