Bellying Up to the Genius Bar
When we first moved to St. Louis, we were excited about all the city had to offer (see St. Louis links on the sidebar). But, when we found out we were only 12 minutes away from an Apple Store, we were downright giddy (and you've not seen giddy until you've seen me giddy).
Last night, Megan's iBook was acting a little sick (felt warm to the touch, start-up cough, etc.). This never happens (it's a Mac, remember?), but as I also had a question about the battery life on my iBook, we thought it best to take them in to see the Genius on-call at the Genius Bar.
I was not disappointed. Chris was super-personable and more than qualified to run some tests and diagnose the problem with Megan's Mac. In the process, I enjoyed asking a few questions and getting to know him a bit, hearing about his wife and their three-year-old daughter, Eva, and learning how he came to work for Apple. We had a good time.
So what was the problem with the Mac? Humorously, it basically amounts to my wife being a digital junkie who has more songs in her iTunes and more pictures in her iPhoto than a 12-inch iBook can be expected to hold. (She says she can quit anytime, but she's on a 48-hour "download watch" nonetheless.) As for my battery, Chris suggested simply recalibrating it by running it all the way down and then charging it all the way back up and all should be fine.
I love working with people who know what they're doing. Hats off to Apple for making such great products and to Chris for being so incredibly qualified to keep them running well.
(Funny aside: As I was waiting outside the Apple Store for my 8 p.m. appointment, I pulled out my iBook to email Megan that I was about to talk to someone about her computer. It never occurred to me - until afterward - that she couldn't have checked the email I sent her as I had her computer with me. Maybe I'm the one who needs checked out/kept under surveillance.)