I am really excited about Ben Stein's upcoming (February) movie, Expelled. I'm planning to show the trailer to all three of my Ethics classes today, as we were just talking yesterday about humanism being the religion du jour of higher academia (with Darwinian evolution its off-limits-to-inspection gospel) .
The website is clever and the movie looks informative and quirky. I'm hoping some good comes of it and that the intelligent design movement will benefit somehow as a result.
Some other links today:
Glad to see Michael Vick repent and take some responsibility for his actions, but I'm not sure his "I will redeem myself" comment convinces me he gets it just yet (then again, I'm not sure I always do, either).
Struggling to get up in the morning? Read 24 Tips to Becoming an Early Riser (hat tip: LifeDev).
I'm about pirated out, but here's a link to Surnames That Reveal Pirate Ancestry (and ten other pirate items of interest) (hat tip: Archphoenix).
My friend, Jeff Morrison, is helping lead a conference for worship leaders at Glen Eyrie (my old stomping grounds). You can check out the rest of the conference offerings this fall and for 2008 here.