Final(s) Thoughts?
Today was my last teaching day of the semester at Westminster, as the rest of the week consists of final exams and a whole lot of grading. I didn't "teach" much today, but instead finished reviewing and just enjoyed hanging out with my students. It was a good day, and I realized how much I'm going to miss them over the break when finals end on Friday.
Personally, I don't have many memories of high school final exams, largely because my high school didn't require students with perfect attendance to take any. We could take exams if we "wanted," but they could only help our grade and wouldn't hurt it; thus, those who took them "for fun" rarely studied too hard and saw little increase of their grade or understanding.
Because colleges still gave final exams, my parents and I thought it might be a good idea to have some practice; unfortunately, however, I'm still not that great of a test-taker (or, more accurately, a preparer for them). Despite my alma mater's stupid final exam policy (which they've thankfully since changed), it's amazing I learned anything in high school.
Anyway, in order to give my students some perspective about high school finals (and seeing as I don't have any of my own that might compare), might you offer a good story or word of wisdom from your own experience? If I get a couple, I may pull up the blog and start each testing period with a few thoughts from those who have been there and lived to tell about it.