More Fun Than You Can Shake a Stick At
If it's the third weekend in September (and it is), we'll be heading once again to the Griggsville Apple Festival to defend our first place parade float finish in 2005. Here's an excerpt of what we can expect (taken from last year's experience, as recorded on the TwentySomeone site):
"My family has had a float in the parade the past couple of years, so we’ll be in that tomorrow, throwing candy to countless thousands (okay, dozens) of scrambling children along the street whose parents will be pointing, trying to recognize me from high school. Have you ever noticed how, 10-15 years later, the people you went too high school with all look 'swollen'? Maybe it’s just me…and maybe I do, too."
If you're still in town (in St. Louie, that is), apparently there are 18 or so stores down on The Loop that are slashing prices up to 50% as part of the second annual "Loop on Sale" weekend (hat tip to Kelly at Subterranean Books). As we aren't going to be here, somebody go and let us know how it was (apparently, there's going to be quite a bit of art around as well, so that should be cool).
Finally, if you're in the mood for music, you might want to check out the second concert at The Matthews Chapel, featuring Steven Colbert (the musician, not the other guy). The show is Saturday night and starts at 8 p.m. (doors open at 7:45). Tickets are $5.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, be sure to tell 'em the Dunhams sent you (nice rhyme).
Have a good weekend, everybody.