Reunion Blogging
So last night was the 20th reunion for Megan's high school class of 1992. Seeing as how I grew up in a town where a good percentage of the class gets together every weekend at The Bucket anyway, I'm not much for the whole reunion gig. Still, I went and ended up posting these updates for anyone who enjoys such things more than I.
6:43 pm: In Owasso for Megan Dunham's twenty year high school reunion. I'll be the one spiking the punch and dancing on tables.
7:40 pm: Arrived at reunion w/ worst of rain - clothes drenched. Good news: someone just turned on disco ball by flipping "atmosphere" switch. #phew
7:42 pm: Third Bryan Adams song in 25 minutes. Long live 1992. #reunionliveblogging
7:48 pm: Can't handle pressure of accompanying former Miss Owasso High School (Megan Dunham) to reunion. Room spinning; must sit down.
8:05 pm: Food disappointment: promised "heavy hors d'oeuvres" turns out to be something in crock pot, plate of Ritz crackers. #reunionliveblogging
8:08 pm: Still dripping from deluge outside. Hoping party pic gal has "Anti-Wet Rat" filter in Photoshop. #reunionliveblogging
8:16 pm: That awkward moment when the reunion emcee tries to yell over the crowd and forgets that the Best of the Early 90s CD is still playing.
8:21 pm: That awkward moment when emcee instructs everyone in attendance to vote for sexiest male/female present. #reunionliveblogging
8:33 pm: The scene of the crime...a step up from The Bucket in Griggsville (but only a step).
8:49 pm: Can't remember the last time I was around this many 38-year-olds all in one room. #reunionliveblogging
8:58 pm: Almost two hours into inane conversation. Bring on Wayne's World imitations, Kurt Cobain lip sync contest. #reunionliveblogging
9:02 pm: Former Miss Owasso High School and her court (actually these were just people at our table - I have no idea who they are).
9:12 pm: Program highlight of evening so far: 1992 yearbook. I honestly can't remember the last time I had this kind of fun. #reunionliveblogging
9:16 pm: Finally: someone remembered an hour-and-a-half after turning it off for the drunk emcee that there had been music in 1992.
9:19 pm: Had absolutely no idea that Megan had gone to school with a young Joe Don Baker. #reunionliveblogging
9:33 pm: Pseudo-theological reunion thought: glad we're going to have work to do in new heavens, new earth. I couldn't take an eternity of mingling.
9:43 pm: Possibly most unfortunate thing of the evening: only being able to make out bass line (and nothing more) to Prince's "Purple Rain." #sad
10:24 pm: Drunk emcee nowhere to be found, so party over. Probably catch pneumonia from three hours of sitting in wet clothes.