Some Housekeeping Details
In case anyone might be wondering what a seminary family's living space looks like, we've posted a pictorial tour of ours to satisfy your curiosity. (And no, it isn't always this picked up.)
In addition, in the upper right corner of the homepage here, I've made public our supporter section, which you're welcome to check for monthly updates on our ministry. God has faithfully provided (and continues to do so - see this month's update for evidence of that) through others, and it's humbling to be on the receiving end of this generosity.
As one might guess, we hope one day not to have to raise funds in order to do what we do, but until that happens, this seems to be part of how God has ordained to provide for our needs. We're grateful to those who give; we're grateful to those who pray; we're grateful to those who read our stuff and encourage us. If you fit into any of these categories, thanks.