The Emerging...Synagogue?
Funny to read this article in light of the paper I'm writing this week on the emerging church. Here's a Jewish version of the idea, as reported in The New York Times:
"There are no pews at Tikkun Leil Shabbat, no rabbis, no one with children or gray hair. Instead, one rainy Friday night, the young worshipers sat in concentric circles in the basement of an office building, damp stragglers four deep against the walls. In the middle, Megan Brudney and Rob Levy played guitar, drums and sang, leading about 120 people through the full Shabbat liturgy in Hebrew.
Without a building and budget, Tikkun Leil Shabbat is one of the independent prayer groups, or minyanim, that Jews in their 20s and 30s have organized in the last five years in at least 27 cities around the country. They are challenging traditional Jewish notions of prayer, community and identity."